Posts tagged #nintendo

Why Pokémon GO will end… and how you can save your Pokémon when it does

They say "all good things come to an end" and Pokémon GO is no exception. It's a fun game that has made tons of revenue but due to the nature of the game it won't last forever, in fact just recently even the game devs themselves acknowledged this (via an article from the awesome Nintendo Life). 

Though this end still won't be for a long time, I just want to prepare people for this inevitable day and to have a contingency plan of sorts. When this game shuts down, so will all its servers and all your Pokémon will be gone - players will lose what they worked really hard for and maybe even in some cases accomplished as the result of investing real money into the game, so I want to share what you can do to preserve some of that effort.

So let's explore why this popular and successful game has an expiration date and what you can do in preparation for it…

Posted on October 20, 2021 and filed under Video Games.

Beau's Voice Acting Adventures… AND WHY IT ALL TIES INTO Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

This past weekend, on Saturday 26th June 2021, I celebrated 3 years since I moved to the USA from England to further my voice acting dreams! On social media, people may have even seen me post about this special anniversary with an accompanying image from the classic Nintendo GameCube game "Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door". In fact, before moving to America and for my first few anniversaries, I done posts with a picture from the game. But why? I thought it may be fun to explain…