Posts tagged #voice-over

My answer to “How do I become a voice actor?”

Today marks 4 years since I moved to Los Angeles to further my Voice Acting career and earlier this month I also celebrated 10 years since my first trip to the USA, which was my first voice-over adventure and the first big step in my VO career. In my time here in America I have been fortunate enough to work on many wonderful projects, accomplish a number of my goals, make many of my dreams come true and achieve successes that I once would have considered impossible. I'm even at a point where I have people who admire my work ask me about how to become a voice actor.

So I thought I would celebrate all these milestones by sharing my thoughts on what I feel it takes to become a voice actor and what you can do to make it happen…

Posted on June 26, 2022 and filed under Voice Acting.

How to ask professionals for advice

Throughout this year, I've received a number of emails asking for VO advice. I'm flattered and grateful people feel I can help them with voice-over and most of these messages have been wonderful but one or two have lacked in some basic courtesy and politeness. So I just wanted to share some thoughts on politely asking for advice, based on the things I used to do when writing to voice actors and things people have done when writing to me that I have liked…

Posted on December 15, 2021 and filed under Voice Acting, Positive, Life.

Beau's Voice Acting Adventures… AND WHY IT ALL TIES INTO Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

This past weekend, on Saturday 26th June 2021, I celebrated 3 years since I moved to the USA from England to further my voice acting dreams! On social media, people may have even seen me post about this special anniversary with an accompanying image from the classic Nintendo GameCube game "Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door". In fact, before moving to America and for my first few anniversaries, I done posts with a picture from the game. But why? I thought it may be fun to explain…