I always find it funny when I watch a trailer for an upcoming video game, recognise a voice and yet the voice actor is not allowed to reveal that they are indeed that character. It makes me wonder: why keep video game voice actors a secret?
How to beat Gnat Attack on Hard Mode
After an update to Super Mario Maker in November 2015, there is now a Hard version of the mini-game Gnat Attack. This mode is incredibly difficult but those who manage to beat it will earn Mystery Mushroom Costume 101: Fighter Fly. In fact, it is so tough that not many people seem to have beaten it. As such, I couldn't really find any guides online or many videos of people doing it. After beating the game myself, I wanted to share what I felt helped me and hopefully it will help some of you out there too.
Top 10 Tips to Beat Expert Mode and Super Expert Mode in Super Mario Maker
I really love Super Mario Maker for the Wii U and have had tremendous fun creating courses. However, I have even more fun when I am playing everyone else’s levels. As such, I have played over 1000 courses and beaten Expert and Super Expert Mode over 50 combined times, including a number of levels with incredibly low completion rates (less than 1%). There are lots of fun levels out there but on these modes, you will see the most difficult courses – either using clever ideas or just plain old poor design. Here are the top 10 things that have worked for me to hopefully help you beat this mode:
1 Cartoon, 9 Months and a Lifetime of Memories
It's amazing how life changes in so many ways and what in your life makes you evaluate that change. What has made me take a look back... has been the Pokémon animé. That's as geektacular as this post gets I promise, as over the last 9 months I have had quite a large and wonderful wave of nostalgia thanks to this cartoon.
A Sort of Guide to Unlocking Mii Custom Headgear in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
When I got close to completing all of the challenges in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and looked at what I had left to do, I thought unlocking all of the Mii Hats would not be a problem at all. Boy was I seriously wrong… looking around the Internet, it quickly became apparent that I was not the only one and that nobody knows for sure just how getting custom headgear works. So though this is not a definitive guide and filled with a “this may or may not work” type of attitude, I wanted to put all of my observations, things I could remember and ideas I saw online that I agreed with in one place about how to unlock custom headgear in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
The Evolution of Video Games, Voice Acting, SAG-AFTRA and Fair Wages
I’m weird. I have been a gamer almost all of my life, however the world of modern voice acting in video games is a realm that is actually somewhat new to me despite having been aware of and experiencing voice acting in video games since the late 90s.